!±8±Blackberry USB AC Charger Adapter Power Plug with Micro USB Cable for Blackberry Torch 9800 Bold 9700 Style 9670 Bold 9650 Tour 9630 Storm2 9550 9520 Storm 9500 9530
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BlackBerry Rate :
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$0.00 Post Date : Mar 11, 2012 10:33:09
Usually ships in 1-2 business days Get the maximum convenience in a minimum space using the BlackBerry USB Power Plug. Designed for portability you can charge your BlackBerry Torch 9800, Bold 9700, Style 9670, Bold 9650, Tour 9630 Storm2 9550 9520, Storm 9500 9530 smartphone virtually wherever you go. Connects to smartphone via a Micro USB cable (Included).
- "No Load Power consumption" 4-STAR rating
- Input: 100-240V 200mAh 50-60HZ 11-17 VA
- Output: 5V-750mAh
- Part # HDW-24481-001
Compatible With: Blackberry Torch 9800, Bold 9700, Style 9670, Bold 9650, Tour 9630 Storm2 9550 9520, Storm 9500 9530 Phone Models.
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